From programme participant to valued member of our ZDTP team: meet Gilbert Mweemba
Gilbert Mweemba and his wife Mary started working with the Zambia Dairy Transformation Programme (ZDTP) in 2017 and were "early adopters", according to Programme Country Manager Tania Thomson, showing enthusiasm for learning and trying new farming practices from day one.
The couple’s property in Central Province soon became one of the ZDTP’s chosen ‘Focus Farms’ – used to demonstrate changes in farm management that are realistic for other farmers to adopt.
In 2020, Gilbert was invited to join the ZDTP staff as an Extension Officer – allowing him to share his knowledge with other farmers in a more official capacity.
Gilbert says he enjoys the role because, despite now being an advisor, he is still learning new skills all the time.
The changes he and Mary have made to their farm since 2017 include:
♦ Introducing new feeding regimes, including making silage to feed to their animals in the dry season;
♦ Hosting demonstration plots, showcasing different crops such as buffalo grass, rhodes grass, sorghum and sun hemp;
♦ Growing a new variety of sunflower seeds to show farmers how sunflowers can be ground and combined with crushed maize to produce home-made concentrates that are cheaper than locally available options; and
♦ Making hay, which can be baled and stored to provide an added source of roughage during the year.
“Gilbert is a great addition to the team and helps to keep our advice farmer focused," says Tania.
"We hope farmers in Chibombo and Liteta will be able to pay for Gilbert’s advisory and support services beyond the term of the ZDTP."
Prime is implementing the ZDTP in partnership with NIRAS International Consulting.
The programme is funded by New Zealand's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.