
We’ve played a significant role in the Australian pork industry’s development over the past decade

Our services have included assistance with a quality assurance programme, advising on animal welfare matters and and economic analysis.

We have conducted three major reviews of the Australian Pork Industry Quality Assurance Program (APIQ✓®), which enables producers to demonstrate that their on-farm practices reflect good farming practices for management, animal welfare, food safety, biosecurity and traceability.

Other past work includes:

♦ Reviewing the biosecurity code for the Australian pork industry on behalf of Australian Pork Ltd.

♦ Developing a National Animal Welfare Strategy and 10-Year Vision for Australian Pork Limited.

♦ Developing a code of practice for Australian Pork Limited, for the safe design, construction, operation and maintenance of on-farm biogas systems.

♦ Economic analysis of potential options for meat and bone meal use in the Australian pig industry.

♦ Governance and operational leadership for TOP Pork Pty Ltd, a major supplier of pork to the Coles supermarket chain (2006-2011).