We have extensive knowledge of the agricultural, agri-food, primary industry and technology sectors in relation to livestock production and farm management

Our strength is the facilitation of business and agri-food investments within a value chain approach.

We have expertise in several commodity sectors, including meat, dairy and fibre, and additional skills in market development and value chain analysis.

Our past work includes:

♦ Managing the ongoing delivery of the US$54 million Afghanistan Value Chains – Livestock (AVC-L) programme in conjunction with Development Alternatives Inc between 2018 and 2021, which is working to address longstanding growth challenges in the country’s poultry, small ruminant, dairy and other livestock sectors by empowering promising Afghan enterprises to stimulate demand and catalyse growth.

♦ Designing and delivering the New Zealand-funded Zambia Dairy Transformation Programme between 2016 and 2021, which is working with smallholder farmers and their dairy cooperative associations to increase milk supply, improve farm profitability and increase household incomes.

♦ A feasibility study to determine the business model and implementation plan for an integrated beef and goat farm-to-market operation in Rwanda, to be operated as a public-private partnership on a 6000-hectare block of land owned by the Government.

♦ Supporting the Caribbean Agricultural Research and Development Institute with technical assistance to develop a networked advisory and training structure using mobile phone apps and website technology as part of the two-year Caribbean Small Ruminants Advisory Programme.

♦ Reviewing the business model and location of an existing sheep farm in the United Arab Emirates and completing the financial analysis and design for a new site and business model, to house and farm up to 48,000 heads of sheep, including a water supply, energy requirements, access roading and all farm infrastructure.

♦ Assessing various sectors of Malaysia’s livestock industry from 2014 to 2016, on behalf of the Malaysian Government, and developing strategies to address barriers to their development.

♦ Developing a slaughterhouse business model suitable for conditions in Mongolia and providing technical assistance on good management practices for livestock slaughter.