Renewable energy
Our project management and technical advisory skills extend to the renewable energy sector
We’ve been involved in biogas compliance and capacity building of staff in relation to a solar energy system.
Our largest project in the renewable energy sector to date is the Bamyan Renewable Energy Programme (BREP), which involved training and mentoring staff from a local power company in Bamyan Province, Afghanistan to enable them to better run their one-megawatt solar power generation facility in Bamyan city as a profitable business.
Other past assignments include:
♦ Developing a code of practice for Australian Pork Limited, for the safe design, construction, operation and maintenance of on-farm biogas systems in Australia. The aim was to facilitate and encourage greater uptake of biogas in the pork industry. The final On-Farm Biogas Code of Practice was published in 2015.
♦ We completed a comprehensive commercial feasibility assessment in relation to the global modular geothermal desalination market for a private client in 2020, which identified four market opportunities for further exploration.