We value business experience and proven results
Prime Consulting International's people and partners have generally worked at a senior level in their fields for many years.
Our company directors, senior associates, associate consultants and technical specialists are found across the globe.
Together we offer:
♦ Strong project management and implementation of solutions
♦ Broad business management expertise
♦ National and international breadth of experience
♦ Extensive knowledge of the agricultural, agri-food, primary industry and technology sectors
We also draw on the expertise of a significant number of local nationals across our various projects and programmes. Our strong emphasis on local national staff reflects one of our key values, which is leaving a legacy of increased knowledge, skills and capacity in our partner countries.
Our other group companies, partner organisations and association memberships are listed below.
Executive Team
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Senior Associates
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Associate Consultants and Technical Specialists
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Group Support
Position Group Administration and Finance Manager
Country Group Administration and Finance Manager, New Zealand
Other Group Companies
Partner Organisations
Association Memberships